© Back
© Back


Back’s Malereien sind Ausdruck seiner Interessen, wie etwa Anime-Serien, die Welt des Graffiti, Musik oder sein Interesse an Meeres- oder Umweltbiologie. Auch der Einfluss von Videospielen, Popkultur oder Fotos aus dem Internet spiegelt sich in seinem Werk wider. Dabei ist Back’s malerische Intention, Orte zu kreieren, an denen keine Spuren von Technologie oder architektonischen Elementen zu finden sind, um eine gewisse Zeitlosigkeit in seine Werke zu integrieren.


Back’s paintings are the result of linking all his current influences, such as anime series, the world of graffiti, music, or his interest in marine or environmental biology.
The influence of video games, pop culture, or images that the artist finds daily on the internet, from a photo of a landscape, to a painting by one of his favorite artists, is reflected in the execution of the works.
His work has representations of volumetric figures, we find them in monochromatic spaces and in natural environments, the painter is interested in showing these places, where there is no trace of technology or current architectural elements, with the intention that the scenes represented, could have taken place at any time in history.
